August 10th, 2024 @ 12:00 PM
The Clambassador's Third Annual
Cedar Key
Shark Swim
The last boat to Atsena Otie Leaves G Street at 11:30 AM. Please be registered and ready to go by 11:30 AM for a prompt NOON start :)
Early Check In:
Friday evening from 6 PM to 8 PM, stop by the front porch at 7011 E Street to check in and pick up your shirt, then skip the line on swim day!
0.42-mile swim from Atsena Otie to the main island

Sharks in the Water

Benefitting the
Cedar Key School
Our Three Goals

Money for the School
100% of net proceeds from the Cedar Key Shark Swim will go to the Cedar Key School. All funds will be managed through the Chamber of Commerce 501C3. All donations are tax-deductible.

Shark Conservation Awareness
We aim to educate the public on the vital role that sharks play in our estuary and in the entire ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico.
Presentations from the University of Florida and other educational opportunities will be available.

Building A Legacy Community Event
We aim to make the Cedar Key Shark Swim a yearly cultural event that will evolve into a full-blown Cedar Key Shark Week-- a time for costumes and floats and silly fellowship that strengthens the community bonds that mean so much to us on the island.
How Does It Work?
Beginning at 10:30 AM and continuing until 11:30 AM, boats will ferry swimmers for free to Atsena Otie. The swim will begin promptly at 12:00 PM. Participants will swim the roughly 0.42-miles to the main island (about a third of the distance can be waded) where they will be greeted with cheers and accolades from an assembled block party of hundreds of supporters! Clam boats will line the course to offer rest stops for those who need breaks along the way.
The U.S. Coast Guard and FWC will provide additional safety resources.
Floaties, rafts, whacky inflatables, and any other non-powered accessories are encouraged.
Live music, food trucks, educational booths, and vendors will make this year's event a community-wide party!